• Yinzhao Wang

    Associate Professor, Ph.D.
    International Center for Deep Life Investigation (IC-DLI)
    State Key Laboratory of Microbial Metabolism

    School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology

    Shanghai Jiao Tong University

    800th Dongchuan Lu, Minhang District

    Shanghai 200240, P. R. China
    e-mail: wyz@sjtu.edu.cn

Research assistant

  • Liming Wang

    Maintaining continues simulation experiments and microbes evolution experiments
    e-mail: wangliming@yahoo.com

Post Doctoral

Ph.D. Students

  • Xinyue Wang (2023)

    Microbial community assembly in simulation ecosystem
    e-mail: wangxysjtu@sjtu.edu.cn

  • Zichao Zeng (2022)

    Deep time evolution, horizontal gene transfer and machine learning
    e-mail: 1073790321@qq.com

  • Zhenbo Lv (2021)

    Deep time Earth and microbe co-evolution using AI
    e-mail: Lvzhenbo@sjtu.edu.cn

  • Liuyang Li (2020)

    Microbial community assembly using machine learning and net-work
    e-mail: liuyangli@sjtu.edu.cn

Master Students

  • Zilong Fang (2023)

    Microbial evolution using metagenome
    e-mail: 18370151489@163.com

  • Chenglin Li (2022)

    Microbial evolution in vertical sediment core
    e-mail: lichenglin1999@126.com

  • Jiaxin Wan (2022)

    Methanogen mutation rates
    e-mail: lucy25w@sjtu.edu.cn

  • Hungchia Huang (2021)

    Microbial methanogenesis metabolism global distribution
    e-mail: hungchia@sjtu.edu.cn

    2024 to Internet Company

  • Heng Wang (2021)

    Microbial methanogensis metabolism evolutionary history
    e-mail: anzi0525@163.com

    2024 to SJTU E3_WYZ lab for PhD

  • Gengwang Chen (2021)

    Deepsea microbial community and virus with SPIKE IN
    e-mail: tjucgw@163.com

    2024 to Huawei Cloud

  • Yaoxun Hu (2020)

    Marine microbial evolution and biogeochemical cyclings
    e-mail: 2452177401@qq.com

    2024 Starting C++


  • Yuhui Chu (2023)

    Cyanobacteria isolation and cultivation
    e-mail: chuyuhui2002@sjtu.edu.cn

  • Yuhui Deng (2022)

    Microbiome from geothermal environments
    e-mail: dyh0209@sjtu.edu.cn

    2023 to 

  • Yichun Cai (2022)

    Microbial secondary metabolite biosynthesis gene cluster evolution
    e-mail: houqi66@sjtu.edu.cn

    2023 to SJTU Education College

  • Jiaxin Wan (2021)

    Isolation of methanogen
    e-mail: lucy25w@sjtu.edu.cn

    2022 to SJTU E3_WYZ lab for MsD

  • Zhenbo Lv (2020)

    Isolation of hotspring microbes
    e-mail: Lvzhenbo@sjtu.edu.cn

    2021 to SJTU E3_WYZ lab for PhD

  • Gengwang Chen (2020)

    Deepsea metagenome
    e-mail: tjucgw@163.com

    2021 to SJTU E3_WYZ lab for MsD

  • Yuxin Tao (2020)

    Microbial sulfur metabolism evolutionary history
    e-mail: taoyuxin@sjtu.edu.cn

    2021 to Fudan University for PhD